Unit 3 Overview
The Power of Controversy: Argument and Storytelling
Theme: Work
Big ideas and skills to focus on in AP Classroom: Claims and Evidence, Reasoning and Organization
CLE 3.A - identify and explain claims and evidence in an argument
CLE 4.A - develop a paragraph that includes a claim and evidence supporting the claim
REO 5.A - describe the line of reasoning and explain whether it supports an argument’s overarching thesis
REO 6.A - develop a line of reasoning and commentary that explains it throughout an argument
REO 5.C - recognize and explain the use of methods of development to accomplish a purpose
REO 6.C - use appropriate methods of development to advance an argument
Unit begins: October 4
Unit ends October 27
* Progress reports: October 10
*ALL grades EXCLUDING essay due by October 25
I will try to return essay grades to you by 11/14
Last day late papers accepted: 11/3
Revisions due within two days of feedback given, by 3:10 pm.
Reminder that I have tutorials on Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:15=3:45 if you need help!!
Not Exhaustive List of Texts to help you look ahead:
*All writing assignments will be a major grade unless otherwise noted :)
The Case for Working with Your Hands, Crawford
Stuff is Not Salvation, Quindlin
Blue Collar Brilliance, Rose
Fireside Chat #4 On Economic Progress, Roosevelt
Dear Mrs. Roosevelt excerpts, Cohen
Unit Essay Prompt - start working on this NOW! :) You have a whole month!
After class discussion of economic issues faced during the Great Depression, you will choose and research one current economic, social, or cultural issue faced by youth TODAY.
After completing your research and analyzing the information you find in your sources, you will write an argument that develops a position on the role that state and local governments should play in helping teens navigate modern social and cultural issues.
How involved should the government be in assisting teens in dealing with _______?
Your essay should include a clear thesis and the development of a line of reasoning and commentary to support your reasoning, and synthesize the sources to support your position.
Sources and Bibliography:
You are required to find a minimum (you may have more than this!) of 4 sources. One must be an interview with quotes (such as a long form feature/news story where an expert is quoted - look at Texas Tribune for ideas) you can use as evidence about this issue, and one must be a visual source (chart, graph, data pictorial representation, photography, video, art, political cartoon, podcast audio, etc.)
Your sources will be a separate major grade from your major grade paper, which will be scored against the synthesis essay section of the rubric.
We will go over in class a review of MLA format - unless you can demonstrate that you understand how to use a different kind of citation format (like Chicago), you will be expected to use MLA format. Any bibliography turned in that does not have four sources, including a visual, and is not typed in MLA format will be an automatic 50. This is primarily because it is very easy for you to use bibliography.com - you can and should use this!
*We will spend one day in the library working on research. You may use either or both books or articles for your sources.*
*we will also go over a refresher on the BASICS of MLA format. This essay should have a BIBLIOGRAPHY. You should practice citing those sources the way you would for a synthesis essay, however.*
Appropriate sources come from academic sites - published research, partisan journalistic reporting (Vox, Huffpost, CNN, NYT, WaPo, etc.), .edu sites, .gov sites, .org sites, etc. Stay away from wikipedia and clickbait articles. You might have to do some digging more than just what you find on your first slog through google.
To help you with your sources and make sure you’re going in the right direction, I’ll have a source check (minor grade) and conference on your topic/paper with you sometime after we have the library day. I’ll let you know ahead of time when this will be, and your grade will reflect your willingness to participate in the conference with me and your preparation - I’m not expecting you to have everything done, but you should have something to show for your research work and/or questions that I can help you with and clarify for you. Other than that, it will be an easy completion grade and a time for you to get individualized help. It will probably coincide with a workday in class.
Paper expectations:
Your paper should have a clear heading with your first and last name and the date you turned it in. Expected length is about 700-800 words (2-2.5 pages) either handwritten or typed. If you handwrite, please write your final draft in pen so it does not smear. If you type it, you may email it to meredith.mohr@staffordmsd.org and I will print it for you so I can write feedback for you on it.
Non exhaustive list of topics you COULD write about:
Teen pregnancy and abortion
Drunk driving
College financial aid or college acceptance
Cost of living on your own
General healthcare (qualify this claim to make it more specific - the government should be involved in these healthcare needs EXCEPT……)
Suicide prevention
“DIY Adulthood” (how to file taxes, buy a house, open a bank account or get a loan, debt management, buy a car, basic house maintenance, budgeting, family and marriage issues, birth and or adoption and fostering, nutrition and health maintenance, etc.)